Fee & Cancellation Policy


Please see Fees for current session fees.

Fees for supplementary or non-standard consultations will be advised at the time of booking an appointment.

All fees are GST inclusive (where applicable).

Private health insurance rebates may be available. You will need to contact your Private Health Insurer to discuss further.

For Australian clients only, Medicare rebates may be available.  You must provide your bank account details to Medicare to enable electronic claims.  Medicare does not cover cancellation fees.  For further information visit the Medicare website.

Fees may change from time to time at the absolute discretion of Amber Dodds Psychology. Where a fee is changed, this Fee and Cancellation Policy will be updated to reflect the change.

Existing clients will be provided with one month’s notice of the change in fee.  Where a client has provided credit card details for payments to be made, clients will be asked to resubmit a credit card deduction authority form to authorise the increased fee.

Cancellation Policy

Where a client provides a short-notice cancellation or does not attend a scheduled appointment, Amber Dodds Psychology reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee.

Notice is to be given via email.

Amber Dodds Psychology’s cancellation policy is as follows:

  • More than 48 hours’ notice before the agreed appointment - Cancellation Fee will not be charged

  • Less than 48 hours’ notice before the agreed appointment - 50% of the session fee will be charged

  • Less than 24 hours’ notice before the agreed appointment - 100% of the session fee will be charged

  • Non-attendance without notice - 100% of the session fee will be charged

  • Extenuating circumstances - At the discretion of Amber Dodds Psychology

Where a client provides reasonable notice of a cancellation, the appointment will be rescheduled to a time suitable to both parties.  Where a client has an unusual number of cancellations, Amber will seek to understand why this may be occurring and whether alternate arrangements need to be made to better provide for attendance.

Where we must cancel an agreed appointment, we will provide reasonable notice (where possible) and the appointment will be rescheduled to a time suitable to both parties.

Non-Direct Services

Progress reports to referring general practitioners will not incur a fee. Where a client requests a comprehensive report, a fee equivalent to our hourly consultation professional fee, pro-rated on a 15-minute basis, will be charged.  Fees will be discussed prior to preparing the report.

Invoicing and Payments

The practice of Amber Dodds Psychology only accepts credit cards as a method of payment.  A valid credit card, and authorisation for payment, must be provided upon intake.

Clients will be billed on a weekly basis, with payment processed at the time of billing.