Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Amber Dodds Psychology is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all personal and other information collected during the conduct of business and the delivery of services, and the way it is used, stored and disclosed.

All personal and contact information collected via this website and our calendar booking forms is used strictly for client booking management and/or mailing list administration.

Your personal or contact information will not be disclosed to any third parties without your written consent.

Amber Dodds Psychology will not sell, distribute, or share email addresses or mailing lists.

Privacy Policy

Information provided to Amber Dodds Psychology by clients is private and confidential. Any personal information collected is treated as confidential and, as an allied health service that holds health information, we are bound by the Privacy Act 1998 and guided by Australian Privacy Principles.

At any stage that personal information is collected, individuals will be made aware of the purpose for which the information is collected.

Personal Information

Personal Information may include:

  • An individual’s name, signature, address, email address, phone number, date of birth and/or employee record information;

  • Sensitive information including an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or political associations, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, family and social history, and health or genetic information;

  • Health information including a client’s symptoms or diagnosis, information about a health service the client has had or will receive, specialist reports and tests, prescriptions and other pharmaceutical purchases, genetic information, and any other personal information about the client; and

  • We may also collect your bank account details and details of third parties involved in the management or funding of your appointments, for the purposes of administering your appointments payment arrangements.

Personal information may be collected in several ways, including in person, in writing, by video and phone call, and by email, generally when:

  • A potential new client enquires about psychological services offered by Amber Dodds Psychology;

  • A client completes a Client Intake and Consent form;

  • A client has interactions with Amber Dodds Psychology where notes are recorded, including during treatment sessions; and

  • A client provides feedback or lodges a complaint.

Personal information may also be received via third parties where it is reasonably expected the client would have consented to the personal information being shared, including but not limited to:

  • From a client’s nominated emergency contact;

  • From other involved health care providers when we receive a medical report or other referral; and

  • Third parties responsible for the management and payment for and of a client’s services with us.

At the time personal information is collected, individuals will be made aware of the purpose for which the information is collected.

Purpose of Collection

Amber Dodds Psychology collects, stores, uses and discloses a client’s personal information only for the purposes consistent with the reasons it was collected, including:

  • Assessing a potential client’s suitability for services;

  • Managing the ongoing relationship with clients, including treatment planning, and monitoring client progress, providing treatment and care, providing information about treatment and care (if required and with consent);

  • Responding to enquiries clients have in relation to the services provided;

  • Preparing referrals and/or reports to other medical or allied health professionals;

  • Gathering feedback and quality assurance reviews to improve our services;

  • Resolving any legal and/or commercial complaints or issues;

  • Meeting any legislative requirements as they apply to us as a health care provider; and

  • Performing any of our functions and activities relating to our business, including meeting our internal administrative requirements, processing accounts for payment, communicating important information and/or marketing.

Exceptions to Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not use or disclose a client’s personal information for any other reason than those outlined above, unless an exception applies, including:

  • Where a client has consented to the use or disclosure of personal information for a secondary purpose or where it would be reasonable to consider that a client would have expected their personal information to be used for such a purpose; and

  • It is required or authorised under an Australian law, or court or tribunal order.

Requests for Access to Personal and/or Health Information

Generally, we will provide the requested information within 30 days of receiving the request. However, in certain limited circumstances, we may refuse to provide access, such as if:

  • It may endanger our client’s or someone else’s life, health or safety;

  • It may impact someone else’s privacy; or

  • Giving access would be unlawful.

If giving certain information would impact someone else’s privacy, we may provide redacted information. If it is not possible to provide information directly to the client because of a concern for their health or safety, it may be provided through an agreed third party. If a client requests access in a way that is unreasonable or not practical, we will endeavour to provide it in another satisfactory way.

Where we refuse to provide requested access and/or to provide information in the requested way, we will provide the client (or their legal guardian or other authorised representative) with written notice outlining reasons for refusal and/or why we were unable to provide information in the requested way and the client’s right and how to make a complaint about the refusal.

Storage of Personal Information

Your personal information entrusted to Amber Dodds Psychology may be stored in physical and/or electronic format.

All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that personal information is securely stored to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, interference, or disclosure. We take reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information we hold, by:

  • Utilising Halaxy as our practice software, which meets stringent privacy, security and confidentiality standards and protects data with 256-bit bank-grade security and encryption;

  • Locked storage of personal records;

  • Use of document shredding;

  • Authentication and password controls for electronic records; and

  • Screensavers for when devices are not in use.

Amber Dodds Psychology makes every attempt to work within secure online environments, however, the safe transfer of personal information across the internet cannot be completely guaranteed. The personal information you share is shared at your own risk. In the event of any unauthorised access or unauthorised disclosure or loss of your personal information that is likely to result in serious harm to you or other individuals, we will investigate and notify you and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in accordance with the Privacy Act.

By using this website or the booking form, you consent to the use of your information as discussed here.

Questions or Concerns

If Amber Dodds Psychology becomes aware of any ongoing issues or concerns with our website, we will take these concerns seriously and endeavour to resolve them promptly. Please contact us at any stage if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy.

All questions, concerns or requests should be forwarded in writing to